Sunday, December 16, 2007

"I be up in the gym, workin' on my fitness" --- Fergie

Ok, ok…So I printed out the website ad for the Bowflex TreadClimber. For $1500 I can “reduce my exercise time with super-efficient, low impact workouts.” This should make me superfine by my birthday in February and I can step out in style and grace with a whole new body right?
I have promised myself it will NOT become a glorified clothes hanger, that I will hop on right after work and fixing Butterbean's dinner. For thirty minutes I will tread my way into health fitness and fine-ness…whoohoo!
I do this kind of fitness promise every year and so far I have stuck to NOTHING.

Will I stick to this machine that’s costing my $24.99 per month until my son graduates high school?
We shall see.
So what is your game plan to prolong life and get that healthy body?

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